Training is one of those things people think is easy. Telling someone how to do something is easy. But that’s not training.
Abi DaruvallaTraining is about two-way communication and building trust. And it’s about persuading people to do something new, better or differently. That’s the hard part.
When you’re an expert, it’s tempting to tell others how to do something. But simply presenting information is not effective. My training of trainers workshops aim to help trainers to design and deliver effective workshops based on well-formulated learning outcomes, creative learning activities and meaningful feedback. Not just in theory, but in practice – it’s about learning by doing!
But to be genuinely effective, training also needs to be embedded into the broader goals of an organisation. Which is why I enjoy sharing my expertise and experience with training organisers by offering advice on learning needs assessments, relevant training activities, logistics, selection procedures for participants, recruitment of trainers and training evaluation.
My training of trainers workshops are for media organisations and journalism training centres as well as experts in fields related to the media, communication and development issues. These workshops take me around the world which has made me adaptable and able to work with different cultures and in all sorts of environments – from China to Zambia and from Moldova to Uzbekistan.
An adapted version of the training of trainers course can also be given as part of – or add-on to – a skills workshop. For example a workshop on campaigning, project management or producing video content using mobile phones can be integrated with a training of trainers module. In this way, participants can learn how to pass on their newly learnt skills to others.
I believe training should be relevant, interactive and, above all, effective. That means not only sharing knowledge and skills, but motivating people to develop and improve their training skills on all levels.